Thursday 6 October 2011

Escape from Prison

Well...that's what an outing feels like when the only time you've left your house for a few weeks is to visit doctors.  Don't get me wrong - we'll be back at the doctor's tomorrow.  They're getting their money's worth out of us!

We spent the day with my brother and his family today.  At their home - so nice and relaxing.  Slow, lazy, enjoyable.  My brother took his 5yo daughter and Mr Busy out to collect sticks, riding on the mower/trailer combo to do so.  Mr Busy was in heaven.  He got to do 'boy stuff'.  And then he fell asleep in the car on the way home.

All but four of us are on antibiotics now.  Miss Sunshine went to get her foot treated again (long process).  The doctor heard her cough and ignored the foot.  Diagnosis:  raging chest infection.  I couldn't believe it.  She's not febrile, she's eating, she's not sleeping excessively.  There is NO indication whatsoever that she might have something requiring treatment...other than the plantar wart we went for in the first place.  Mr Busy has yet another double course of medication as he is STILL suffering pnuemonic symptoms.  In a perfect world I'd be staying home with them all next week too.  But in the real world I have to go back to work.

The good news is that all this convalescing has resulted in an assignment being submitted, a group task is ready for submission as I type.  Another requires a little more polishing and I have ONE left to write...and a test to study for.  Oh roll on next Friday when it'll all be over.

So....more study and one final outing before Work Break begins on Monday.


Katrina said...

Know the feeling....put my kid on a plane with what I thought was the sniffles to a science conference in call from them....we have her in hospital at the moment...major infections in several areas....they need your permission to give her massive lots of antibiotics....oh yeah I felt like a real good mum....well I didn't admit to her having what I just thought was the sniffles when she left....but I'm sure they guessed

Tracy said...

I think every parent goes through this in some way.

My mother-in-law was renouned for sending children off to bed with broken limbs. She did it at least 3 times between her boys.