Friday 5 August 2011

Being a Real Student

I do all my studying in a comfy lounge chair with my feet up on the coffee table, a cuppa on another table at my elbow and my computer on my lap.  None of that dashing about some enormously overwhelming campus from lectures to tutes, nor fitting in to timetables set by those who must juggle and balance the needs of all those requiring spaces.  And generally I like my version of University.  There is the rare moment when I ponder how much easier some things would be if I were able to engage in a real-time, live discussion in a regular tute group.  But this works better for me, much of the time, though I often don't feel like a 'real' student.

Tomorrow I'm going to take the opportunity to meet with some lecturers and other Victorian based students in a real-time, live, face-to-face way.  These things don't happen often, so I take the opportunities when I can.  I am hoping that some of the students' names will be familiar to me now, in a way they weren't when we attended a Melbourne-based Orientation day at the beginning of the year.  And tomorrow we'll get to have some vital input into some assignment work.

And then I'm going straight to an evening at the movies with some other ladies from church.  Busy?  Yes.  Worthwhile?  Definitely!!

I'm looking forward to an afternoon nap on Sunday.


Left-Handed Housewife said...

I think doing university at home sounds like a wonderful idea, though I'm glad you're going to get to connect in real time/place with live people.

Hope you get your nap!


Tracy said...

The day was magnificent Frances - even better than at the start of the year for Orientation.

And yes, I got my nap...a really long one!