Saturday 10 May 2008

Of Blogging...

Do you know what really makes my day? Discovering new friends! One of the things I love about blogging is that almost every week someone new pops in and leaves me a comment and I 'meet' brand new friend! Isn't it nice to know that you're not the only one in the world who values the things that you do? Like living frugally, valuing motherhood, homecooking, putting to use skills that leave you with a garment at completion, living simply and enjoying the area where you live, faith.

I also really enjoy all the friends that pop in regularly. It's like stopping by to have a cuppa with a friend. When I decided to begin blogging, this was the least of my thoughts and yet I was so excited to have someone even find my blog!

This week Terri & Patricia left me little notes ~ Welcome ladies. It's nice to have 'met' you.


Terri said...

Thank you! I've read your blog for a while but thought it was time to pop in out of lurkdom :-).


Tracy said...

I'm glad you did Terri. :-)

Kittee said...

So very true. =) Glad to have found you!